Training programme: 3D medical digital models in health professionals teaching
This outputs consists of the learning materials that will be used for the health professionals` training.
It will contain an introduction in the theory of using Al3xandria library and of the 3D medical models hosted by it in health professionals teaching.
The course will have a modular form and will be developed according to the training curriculum (IO2).
The Mooc will consist of training materials for 20 hours. The whole course will be designed to be studied either with a tutor or as self-directed learning and it will be real support for
health educators and trainers from medical, dentistry, nursing, bio engineering faculties, as well as post secondary nursing schools.
The training course will equip the learners with the knowledge and skills needed for using Ale3andria library in an efficient way, for enhancing the training by employing the 3D medical
models downloaded from the library and for using these models in different training activities.

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